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21 Tips For First Time Investors

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The first time you make an investment can be a huge deal. It has both good and bad things about it.

People who have not done this before may not know what is safe and what isn’t. They do not know what to do or where to put their money.

There are a few things that you have to deal with the first time you invest. Investments can be hard to figure out because many people do not know what they want.

They think that investing is too complicated or risky for them to learn about or do well at it. And many people will take advantage of first-time investors, but this is not always true.

When you know what to look for in an investment, you will be able to figure out what you need.

Here are the tips to think about before you invest as a beginner: 

1. Start With A Plan

This is the most essential step. Figure out your goals and risk tolerance before you start investing. A game plan is the most important part of the process, and it will help you achieve your goals.

You can do this on your own or with the help of a financial expert. There is no way to know that you will make money from your investments. 

  • Start With Your Debts

The reason is that if you do not start saving early enough, you could lose years of compound interest. The more money you start saving, the more you will make in the end. Make sure you pay off all your debts before you start investing. 

  • Invest With Your Company’s 401k

When you work for an employer, you can get a retirement saving and investing plan called a 401k. In most cases, the employee chooses what kind of investments to put in the account.

Taxes are not paid until you get your money out of the account. Get a 401(k) from your company: Unfortunately, not all employers allow you to use it.

  • Build An Emergency Fund

Before you invest, you should have enough money to cover 3–9 months of short-term costs. This will help you avoid the need to sell your long-term investments when things change.

2. Understand Why You Are Investing

Make mistakes if you do not know why you are investing your money or what your long-term goals are. You will not be able to see the big picture of your money.

You can make a lot of money by investing, but you need to set more realistic and long-term goals for yourself first. “Getting rich” goal can lead you down some shady roads or make you make bad decisions. 

3. Be Hungry For Knowledge And Read Books About Investing

Investing in stocks is not very difficult, but there is a lot of information to read and understand. Always be a student and read some personal finance books to keep learning.

It does not matter how many times you have read a book. You can still learn something new each time. This is true even if you invest in things like real estate, art, websites, and so on.

4. Do Not Invest In Something That You Do Not Understand

Though it sounds obvious, it is easy to fall into a trap when you see dollar signs in front of you. Beginners should always invest in things they know because that is what they will be better at.

Make sure you read about the history of your investment before you buy. Following the herd might lead you to gold, but chances are you will lose money before you win.

5. Build your fundamentals

As a first-time investor, it’s very important to invest in companies that have done well in the past. For many people, cheap stocks draw them in. They are also very risky, so first-timers should stay away from them.

6. Know Your Investment Options 

Make sure you know your investment options. The way you invest does not matter. You can invest through a 401(k), a Roth IRA, or a standard investment account. You choose what to invest in.

It is important to know how each instrument works and how much risk it has. The most popular investments for people who are starting out are:

  • Stocks

Stocks, also known as equities, are shares of a single company. Stocks are bought for a share price, which can range from a few dollars to a few hundred dollars. 

  • Bonds

As part of the deal, the company or government will pay you back in a certain number of years while you get interest.

Bonds generally are less risky than stocks for will you know exactly when you’ll get paid back and how much you’ll earn. It is true that bonds do not make as much money in the long run, so they should only be a small part of a long-term portfolio.

  • Mutual funds

A mutual fund is a group of investments that are put together. Investors do all the work of picking individual stocks in it.

Mutual funds are more likely to be less risky than individual stocks for they are more likely to spread out.

Professionals run some mutual funds. Index funds are a type of mutual fund that follows a stock market index, like the S&P 500. Index funds are able to charge less money because they do not have to pay a professional to run them.

A lot of 401(k) plans have mutual or index funds that do not need a small investment. Outside of those plans, these funds may need a small investment of $1,000 or more, though.

  • Exchange-traded funds or ETFs

An ETF is like a mutual fund in that it has a lot of different investments in it at the same time. You can buy ETFs for the same price as a share all day long. 

There is a lot less money you need to invest in an ETF than in a mutual fund. It makes them a good choice for people who are starting out or have a small amount of money.

7. Determine The Risks In Investment

All investments have some risk in them. Taking a risk can lead to a better investment return. 

If you plan to buy stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, you should know that you could lose some or all your money. You might lose your money, or your principal, which is the amount you have put in, but you might not.

First-time investors think they can handle losing money more than they can. When riskier investments start to lose money, they often panic and sell.

8. Be Efficient With Your Tax

Start with a small amount of money and think that tax efficiency is not important. Remember that investing is a long-term strategy.

You need to think about how much your investments could be worth in the future. Consider that you are saving now for your retirement.

By the time you reach retirement age, you may have a lot of money. If you have not put your money in a tax-friendly place like a pension, you may have to pay a lot of tax. Keep this in mind when you open an account.

9. Learn How To Diversify

What you invest in will be different based on your age and how long you want to invest. There is one thing you can be sure of. You should diversify your investment portfolio.

You should be investing some of your money in stocks and bonds, as well as real estate or other types of goods. There is an idea behind it that you do not want to put all your eggs in one basket.

Instead, you want to invest in a variety of different assets.

10. Choose An Investment Strategy

Determined by your investment plan by your savings goals, budget, and time frame. Keep your money safe in a low-risk investment portfolio. This is because stocks have a lot of risks.

If you can’t or don’t want to decide, you can use a service called a “robo-advisor.” It uses computer algorithms to build and manage your investment portfolio.

Robo-advisors build their portfolios out of low-cost ETFs and index funds that do not cost a lot. Because robos are cheap and do not have a lot of rules, you can start making money right away.

They charge a small fee for managing your portfolio, usually 0.25 percent of the value of your account.

11. Don’t Go With The Hype

That last investing tip is a good way to start this one. Do not get caught up in investing hype or when everyone else is talking about a certain thing.

Remember the time when a lot of people are talking about Bitcoin and want to invest in it at the time of the hype. Most people did not know much about it except that they heard about people making a lot of money and the price going up.

  • Take care of yourself when people are greedy. When people are greedy, be more careful and protective of your money.

This is a great move. When everyone’s excited about the economy, they might want to stay on the sidelines for a while. There’s no need to stop investing in your 401k or IRA as a great long-term strategy for your money. But be aware and keep an eye on the general mood of the stock market or the economy.

  • When people are afraid of the markets, it might be a good time for you to be more aggressive.

It has always bounced back after a bear market or stock market crash, and there is proof from the past to show that. Furthermore, the bull market comes back, this is when you can invest for a lot less and get a lot of money back when it does.  

  • Experts and everyone say that they know what will happen in the market, but no one can say for sure what will happen.

“Crash is coming!” You have seen the headlines in the news when the market has been down for two days in a row. There are also people who say that this will be a bad year for the stock market.

But no one knows for sure, and no one knows where the market will end or start. Try to do this, and you will lose money and make less money. Keep your investing strategy in mind and do not pay attention to the noise and predictions.

12. Do Not Panic Sell

One way to lose money is to sell things when you are afraid.

Many times, when the market is down or your investments start to lose money, you want to sell. This is a sure way to lose more money.

It is easy to panic sell when everyone is afraid and the news makes it sound like the world is ending. 

But you can not give in! You are destroying your compound interest when you panic-sell and could cost a lot of money in the long run. The only time you should sell or move money around is when you need to.

Stick with your investments and you will get a lot of money.

13. Don’t Overthink

You need to think about the long-term value of the company even if penny stocks’ promises can be appealing. Small businesses may not be as well-regulated as big businesses, they can be riskier.

Take more risks and you do not think you will make more money. If a horse race was on, you would not bet on a pony.

14. Investing Is Boring

If you want to have fun, then you might want to go to the casino. People who make a lot of money often do not enjoy their work as much as they should.

People who invest their money in the same thing over and over are better for their money in the long run.

15. You Need To Invest Regularly

Investing small amounts of money often can be better than investing large sums of money at once. People say that even experts think it is better to invest regularly, rather than try to time the market.

There is a strategy called Pound Cost Averaging that you can use when the market is volatile. By investing every day, you try to even out the highs and lows that happen in the stock market.

You can enjoy compounding if you start investing early and keep it up.

16. Reinvesting

To make money from your investment, you might not be looking for a certain amount of money each month. If you get back money from funds or dividends, put that money back into your investment portfolio.

This is true on what history has shown. Reinvesting dividends from stocks can make a big difference in your long-term returns.

17. Pay Attention To Your Investment Fees

This is the most important of all the stock tips for new people. You could lose a lot of money in the long run if you pay too much money to invest.

When you are nearing retirement, you could lose six figures or more in fees. Over time, though a 1-2 percent expense ratio might not seem like much, it adds up over 10, 20, or 30 years and can cost you a lot. 

Some investment accounts may also charge fees for managing them, too. You want your fees to be less than 1% of your money. A few index funds run from 0.14 percent to 0.3 percent. 

Always look into and understand the fees.  

18. Rebalance your portfolio

As you keep investing money, you will also want to rebalance your portfolio from time to time. In most cases, you will have a goal for how many stocks and bonds you want to own, like 80% stocks and 20% bonds. 

There is not a set rule for how often you should rebalance, but it is usually a good idea to do it once a year. You also want to be careful not to mess around too much, because it could cost you your money. 

19. Reassess

Once you start investing, remember that it is a long-term process. Keep an eye on your investments, personal situation, timeframes, and risk tolerances.

As you get closer to your goal, you might want to cut back on risky investments to keep your money safe. Also to figure out how much risk you can take, look at your portfolio’s risk profile. 

Your portfolio will shift as well when the value of different top investments changes. It should be rebalanced on a regular basis to get it back to where you want it to be.

20. Investing Should Not Be Complicated 

Most people love a good challenge. It sends us into a frenzy, and feel like we did well because we did it. So, if something is more detailed or complicated, we assume it is better.

The more complicated your investments are, the more difficult it is to figure out how to do this. Simple ideas are the best because when they work, it is easy to see why.

It is evident when they do not do well.

21. Stick to your plan

Information overload is one of the most annoying things about living in the modern world. In the stock market, this is even more true.


The more information you have will make you second-guess every decision. To avoid having this, think about your decisions, and look at numbers and facts because they do not lie.

You will know what worked and what didn’t.


Investing can seem like a hard thing to do, but it does not have to be that way. This list of 21 tips for first-time investors will help you start off on the right foot. With the basics down, you will be ready to start investing in the market!

If you want to get gold or silver or learn about investing in other precious metals, BullionBox is here for you. Visit our site for more details and options on how to buy gold, silver, and other precious metals online.

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